Book Review

MIND GAMES by Nora Roberts

I received a complimentary audiobook for MIND GAMES by Nora Roberts from Macmillan Audio!

Rating: 4 / 5
Publication Date: 5/21/24

MIND GAMES follows Thea. As the book begins, Thea and her brother have been dropped off with her grandmother for their annual two-week stay. When both Thea and her grandmother have a dream that night about the death of her parents, life is forever changed. The women in Thea’s family have a gift to see inside people’s minds. Thea connects with the mind of her parents killer, which helps to put him behind bars, but also gives her a first hand perspective on her parents’ murder and also leaves her with a lasting connection to his dark mind.

The first probably forty percent of this book is following Thea at around age twelve. I really liked that the book took the time to really delve into what happened to her family and Thea’s connection to it. The grief in this hit hard and I was so happy that Thea’s family and the whole community rallied around her and her brother. As we see Thea grow up, she gets involved in video games in school and as a career and that was a fun inclusion as well. I liked how that tied things together from the beginning through the end.

The romantic interest doesn’t enter the picture until almost the halfway point, so this isn’t a book that I’d really recommend if you’re looking for a romance forward book. The relationship follows a fairly predictable trajectory. It’s fairly insta-love-ey which normally doesn’t work for me so well, but in this type of book where I feel like the romance is a smaller part of the story, it doesn’t detract from my enjoyment.

I had an overall good time with this one and it was a fun binge listen! MIND GAMES is out on Tuesday!

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