Book Review


I received a gifted ARC of ONE PERFECT COUPLE by Ruth Ware from Scout Press.

ONE PERFECT COUPLE follows five couples participating in a reality TV competition on a remote island. Lyla agrees to take two weeks off work to support her boyfriend’s desire to be on the show. She figures on being quickly voted off the island to head home. The first challenge doesn’t go as planned and it sets tempers on edge. When a bad storm hits unexpectedly, people are killed and those left have no way off the island and limited supplies. They need to rely on each other, but not everyone is to be trusted.

This was compared in the blurb to Agatha Christie’s AND THEN THERE WERE NONE and I think that set me up to want different things. While there is a bit of a one by one trope going on here, there really isn’t a mystery. For the majority of the book, we know exactly what is going on. There are a few snippets of radio calls from the island asking for help and some journal entries about what is going on which add a little bit of intrigue, but I didn’t ever feel like there was much of a mystery element.

This book wound up being more of a survival story than a thriller and I think if that is what you are looking for and you’re willing to suspend some disbelief about the decisions these characters make, this will work much better for you. Even though this didn’t go the directions I had hoped, this was a really easy book to read.

I would definitely consider this a popcorn type of read which works well alongside the video I’ve put up today recommending quick and fun reads: Let’s Talk Popcorn Reads! It includes some I’d recommend across a variety of genres and also a few books on my TBR!

ONE PERFECT COUPLE just came out yesterday!

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