Book Review


THE THERAPIST by B.A. Paris begins with Alice and Leo moving into a new home. Their home is part of a gated community where they are new neighbors among a very established community. Alice is determined to make this move work and she moves forward with getting to know the neighbors, but is shocked when she learns why their home was vacant. Alice is drawn to the story of the therapist who lived in the home before her and she’s determined to figure out the truth.

I went into this book without reading the synopsis, just knowing that this is an author who really does a great job of taking me on a twisty ride. This book was more of the same and I had a fantastic time reading it! This is definitely a domestic and psychological thriller mix and I think that worked really well. It never felt like it got too hung up in the mundane day to day life of a domestic story but it did make good use of the imperfect nature of some of the family connections to add to the story.

I did make some assumptions early on in the book that took me down a really wrong path in terms of theories as to what was going on in the overarching mystery and I really liked the way the author threw in some surprise twists along the way!

For more thoughts on this book and a couple more that I included in a reading vlog all about books related to the mind, check out my video on BookTube!

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